
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Unit 2: Lesson 10 JESUS WALKS ON WATER

1) Welcome Activity:
  • toys: boats, people and fish (or other sea creatures) would be perfect for today
  • water play: if you have space, you could set out some dish pans of warm water, add some dish soap and let the kids play with the water and bubbles. Spoons, cups and pastic fish toys are nice to add to the water. Plastic aprons are a neccessity!

2) Songs: Start the Story Hour with the learning our names song. Go around the circle or table and introduce each child.

A great song for today:

Jesus Walks on the Water (Tune: Ten Little Indians)

All the apostles were in a sailboat
All the apostles were in a sailboat
All the apostles were in a sailboat
Out on the deep blue sea.

The waves rose high and tossed the sailboat
The waves rose high and tossed the sailboat
The waves rose high and tossed the sailboat
Out on the deep blue sea.

Along came Jesus walking on the water
Along came Jesus walking on the water
Along came Jesus walking on the water
Out on the deep blue sea.

The apostles thought that Jesus was a ghost
The apostles thought that Jesus was a ghost
The apostles thought that Jesus was a ghost
And they cried out in fear.

Be of good cheer, it is I, don't be afraid
Be of good cheer, it is I, don't be afraid
Be of good cheer, it is I, don't be afraid
Jesus spoke to them

Peter started walking on the water
Peter started walking on the water
Peter started walking on the water
Then he started to sink.

Jesus helped Peter get back in the boat
Jesus helped Peter get back in the boat
Jesus helped Peter get back in the boat
Why did you lose faith?

3) Prayer... praise God that he controls all of the weather: sunshine, rain, wind and storms. Thank God for the weather today.

4) Theme: Remind the children of the theme of the unit: God sends his greatest gift, Jesus Christ our Saviour. John 1:14 “we beheld his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father”
Tell them that they are going to hear a Bible Story again today that shows the glory of God by Jesus commanding the wind and the rain. God made all things and nothing is outside of God’s control – even the wind and the seas obey him!

5) Bible Story: Today’s Story is about  Jesus walking on Water. Read pages 346-350 from the Read and Learn Bible (Scholastic).

6) Text: Today’s Text is: “Who is this Jesus, that he commands even wind and water, and they obey him?” Luke 8:25b

7) Craft:

8) Closing Prayer... say the Lord's prayer together with the children

9) Going Home: Sing the closing together. Then, check to see if all the children have collected their crafts and coloring sheets before they go home. Say goodbye and tell them that you enjoyed learning about God together and were happy to have them today! You were, weren’t you?

10) Optional Coloring Pages:

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