
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Unit 2: Lesson 13 GOOD NEIGHBOUR

1) Welcome Activity:
  • Good Neighbour/Bad Neighbour... make a collection of large cards showing things we can do to be a good neighbour (for example: sharing toys, helping parent with dishes ) and things that make us a bad neighbour (for example:  one child pushing another, or breaking a toy)  Coloring pages available on-line should be able to provide you with lots of options - print, color, mount on construction paper and laminate so that the cards are durable.  Put the pile of cards on the table and ask the children if they can sort them into two piles: good neighbour and bad neighbour.  Use the opportunity to talk about the pictures: what makes each one good/bad? What could/should be done instead?
2) Songs: Start the Story Hour with the learning our names song. Go around the circle or table and introduce each child.

3) Prayer.... ask God to help us to love our neighbour as much as we love ourselves.

4) Theme: Remind the children of the theme of the unit: God sends his greatest gift, Jesus Christ our Saviour. John 1:14 “we beheld his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father”
Tell them that they are going to hear a Bible Story again today that shows the glory of God…. (details)
5) Bible Story: Today’s Story is about The Good Neighbour. Read pages 360-366 from the Read and Learn Bible (Scholastic).

6) Text: Today’s Text is: “Love your neighbour as yourself.” Luke 10:27b
7) Craft:

  • Donkey Craft:  Print out the template of choice -- there is a choice of brown, grey or uncolored. (from  Colour (where appropriate) and cut out the template pieces.
    Glue the donkey together in the following order: feet onto the bottom of the large (grey) oval (one front and one back on the top of the body one front and one back on the bottom of the body) (You can use brads to attach the legs if you want them to move.) head onto the front of the body; tail onto the back of the body; mane onto the body/head; forward ear onto the head: hair onto the head hair onto the head; back ear onto the head.  Just FYI: most 5 year olds can assemble this with very little assistance if you have a sample on the table, but 3&4's need quite a bit of assistance.  If you have a big group, make sure you have all the pieces cut out ahead of time (and bagged in sets) and that you  have an extra set of hands for this craft.
  • Paper Bag Donkey:  Print out template (from
    Grey Donkey: Cover the paper bag with grey construction paper (just glue it on and trim) or paint the paper bag grey and let dry.  Brown Donkey: just use the brown paper bag.  Glue the small circle with the tongue underneath the flippy tab so you can see part of the circle sticking out from under the nose.
    Glue the nose onto the head. It should overlap the body a bit.  Glue the eyes onto the head above the nose. If you like, you can use wiggly eyes instead of the paper the paper template pieces.Glue the ears onto the head Glue the hair tuft onto the head.  Materials: template, something to colour with, scissors, glue.  See the FYI for above donkey craft.  :-)
  • Who is my Neighbour?  Print out template (
    Colour house.  Have children choose pictures of who their neighbour is and glue in one of the windows and then draw a picture of themselves in the other window.
  • Helping Hands Craft:  Using acrylic paint, stamp each child’s handprints onto a piece of construction paper.Write “[child’s name] has helping hands” on the paper.  Be sure to protect child’s clothes from paint with an old shirt.
8) Closing Prayer... say the Lord's prayer together with the children

9) Going Home: Sing the closing together. Then, check to see if all the children have collected their crafts and coloring sheets before they go home. Say goodbye and tell them that you enjoyed learning about God together and were happy to have them today! You were, weren’t you?

10) Optional Coloring Pages:

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