
Monday, May 11, 2009

Unit 1: Lesson 19 DAVID and GOLIATH

1) Welcome Activity:

2) Songs: Start the Story Hour with the learning our names song. Go around the circle or table and introduce each child.

Here are a few song options for today:

"Only a Boy Named David"
Only a boy named David - Only a little sling - Only a boy named David - But he could pray and sing - Only a boy named David - Only a rippling brook - Only a boy named David - But five little stones he took.
And one little stone went in the sling - And the sling went round and round - And one little stone went in the sling - And the sling went round and round - And round and round - And round and round - And round and round and round - And one little stone went up in the air - And the giant came tumbling down.

Listen here:
Big and Small (Tune: Deep and wide)
Big and small - Big and small- Goliath was big and David small
Big and small- Big and small- Goliath was big and David small
Trust in God- Trust in God- He'll take care of you so trust in God
Trust in God- Trust in God- He'll take care of you so trust in God

David and the Giant(Tune: Pop Goes the Weasel)
There once was a giant who wanted to fight
God's chosen people
All were scared and wanted to hide,
Then out came David.
David was a small shepherd,
But he trusted God
He took a sling and five little stones
Down fell the giant.

3) Prayer... pray for strength to do mighty things for God.

4) Theme: Remind the children of the theme of the unit: God works among his covenant people to prepare the world for the Savior. Hebrews 12:1&2 “Therefore, since we are surrounded
by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us… look to Jesus.” Tell them that they are going to hear a Bible Story again today that shows how God works through David. David was just a young shepherd boy, but God saw his heart and called him to be king of Israel and do many great things.

5) Bible Story: Today’s Story is about David. Read pages 152-160 from the Read and Learn Bible (Scholastic).

6) Text: Today’s Text is:
“…the Spirit of the Lord came upon David in power.” 1 Samuel 16:13

7) Craft:

  • David the Shepherd Craft: Print out or photocopy the template so that you have enough for all the children. Have the children color the pieces as appropriate and cut them out. Glue the large rectangular piece around the toilet paper tube. Glue the rectangle (belt) around the middle of the tube. Glue the head onto the top of the tube and the arms on the sides. Fold the tabs of the feet and glue them under the tube to make a 3 D effect. Glue the sheep into the shepherd's arms or onto the front of the tube near his feet. To save time you could have precut the large and small rectangle out of construction paper. See picture below. Ideally, you would use a paper towel roll to make a "Goliath" but I am having trouble finding a template that would work for that. Any suggestions?
    Materials needed: Template, toilet paper rolls, glue, scissors, something to color with.
Here is a template for a sheperd boy:
  • David's Shepherd's Bag and Stones!
    You'll need:brown lunch bag,small stones or white rocks,crayons or markers,black permanent marker
    Directions:On each brown bag write "Stay Close To God!" Add today’s text. Give each child a bag and have them draw a picture of David and Goliath and decorate as desired or glue on a coloring page of David and Goliath. Give each child 5 stones to represent the five stones that David had for his sling shot. Have them write the letters D A V I D on each stone with a permanent marker to make the five stones spell DAVID. Put the stones in each bag. The brown bag represents David's shepherd's bag.
  • Activity Idea: If your room is big enough, mark on the wall a spot 9' high. Then mark a spot about 5' high. Have the students stand up against the marks to see how tall they are against David and Goliath.
8) Closing Prayer... say the Lord's Prayer together with the children

9) Going Home: Sing the closing together. Then, check to see if all the children have collected their crafts and coloring sheets before they go home. Say goodbye and tell them that you enjoyed learning about God together and were happy to have them today! You were, weren’t you?

(sung to the tune of The More we Get Together,
just like the opening song)
We love to learn together,
Together, together
We love to learn together
And give thanks to God.
Also can be sung with: “sing” or “pray” or “work”

10) Optional Coloring Pages

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