
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Unit 1: Lesson 8 MOSES (as a baby)

1) Welcome Activity:

2) Songs: Start the Story Hour with the learning our names song. Go around the circle or table and introduce each child.

(sing to the tune of “The More we get together”
Thank you God for (name)
For (name), for (name)
Thank you God for (name)
We’re glad (s) he is here!

3) Prayer... Thank the Lord today for using our weaknesses for his glory.

4) Theme: Remind the children of the theme of the unit: God works among his covenant people to prepare the world for the Savior. Hebrews 12:1&2 “Therefore, since we are surrounded
by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us… look to Jesus.” Tell them that they are going to hear a Bible Story again today that shows how God works through Moses. God saved Moses from the anger of the Pharaoh when he was a small baby. Even though Moses thought he could NOT lead God’s people to the promised land, God uses Moses’s weaknesses to show God’s strength!.

5) Bible Story: Today’s Story is about Moses. Read pages 77-79 from the Read and Learn Bible (Scholastic). I have divided the story of Moses into several sections. You may choose one section to focus on each year, or you can do all the sections.

6) Text: Today’s Text is: "She named him Moses, saying, 'I drew him out of the water.'" Exodus 2:10b
7) Craft:
  • The Baby Moses #1….Cut a square of brown paper for each child. Fold gently lengthwise and staple the ends. Press basket down to make a nice “bottom”. Also, prepare a "baby Moses" for each child. String a large round pink/white/wooden bead onto a pink pipe cleaner so that it is about ½ way. Twist several times to make the neck. With each end of pipe cleaner, form one arm and one leg. Twist two ends together. You may draw a face with a permanent marker if you wish. We have tried to do this with the children, but it's a bit too time consumeing. At craft time, have the children glue a piece of blue tissue paper on a small paper plate to make the "river". Attach the basket to the river with a brad. Give each child a "baby" a cotton ball for a pillow and a scrap of fabric for a blanket and let them tuck the baby into the basket and float it in the river. This craft does require some extra preparation, but the results are well worth it!
  • The Baby Moses #2: Print out the template pieces and cut them all out ahead of time. Then, have the childen assemble the picture like a puzzle and glue them on to a sheet of blue construction paper. The picture can then be colored, if you like.

  • The Baby Moses #3: Print out the baby Moses template and cut out one for each child. Cut two "baskets" out of brown constuction paper and use a hole punch to make holes along the edge. Have the children lace the two sides of the baskets together with brown yarn, looping the end of the string around to make a handle. Color the baby and put him in the basket.
Template can be found here:

* turns out this lacing is a bit difficult for 3 and 4 year olds. To make it easier, reduce the number of holes. You could also cut the yarn and stiffen one end with white glue ahead of time to make it a bit easier to poke through!

8) Closing Prayer... say the Lord's prayer together with the children

9) Going Home: Sing the closing together. Then, check to see if all the children have collected their crafts and coloring sheets before they go home. Say goodbye and tell them that you enjoyed learning about God together and were happy to have them today! You were, weren’t you?
(sung to the tune of The More we Get Together, just like the opening song)
We love to learn together,
Together, together
We love to learn together
And give thanks to God.
Also can be sung with: “sing” or “pray” or “work”

10) Optional coloring pages:
Here is a good one to use today:
Lots of good coloring pages about Moses's life can be found here:
More baby Moses:


  1. I did craft #2 and #3. As Tessa said, craft #3 is geared more toward the older kids. #2 was fun, but would have been a lot neater if I had the glue dabbers.

  2. The baby moses in a basket craft from Danielle's Place link is wrong. It has since been changed to Please update your link to this craft.

    Thanks for giving Danielle's Place credit for the craft and linking to my site.

