
Psalms Overview

This unit on Psalms is designed to deepen your children's understanding of some of the most familiar and much loved Psalms. The lesson structure is a little different than some of our other lessons as there is no Bible "Story" to read. The structure we suggest is slightly different for these lessons, namely:
  1. talk about the main points of the Psalm (this gives the children something to focus on and listen for)
  2. read the Psalm from the Bible (don't worry about the language being over the children's heads - encourage them to ask questions and focus on one main message)
  3. talk about the main points again
  4. SING the Psalm. We suggest using some hand motions. Small children really benefit from getting their bodies moving as learning takes place by listening, talking, seeing and doing!
The lessons focus on "Our Joy in the Lord" and cover:
  • Psalm 1 - focusing on praising God, who loves his people
  • Psalm 8 - focusing on praising God, the Creator
  • Psalm 16 - focusing on praising God for his abundant blessings
  • Psalm 23 - focusing on praising the Lord, our Great Shepherd
  • Psalm 30 - focusing on praising God for his strength
  • Psalm 42 - focusing on praising the Lord for providing for our needs
  • Psalm 47 - focusing on praising God, our King
  • Psalm 50 - focusing on praising God, who rules over all creation
  • Psalm 81 - focusing on singing our JOY to the Lord
  • Psalm 100 - focusing on praising God in our worship
  • Psalm 116 - focusing on praising God for hearing our prayers
  • Psalm 119 - focusing on praising God for being a light to our path
  • Psalm 121 - focusing on praising God for keeping our feet from danger
  • Psalm 136 - focusing on praising God for his steadfast love
  • Psalm 150 - focusing on praising the Lord with instruments
One of the advantages of this unit is that you can use it at any time of the year. It fits nicely between the Old Testament and the New Testament lessons; it fits nicely after "David the King"; it works well after the NT lessons and before you begin at Creation again.
Also, this unit can be used in chunks to enable you to schedule your lessons so that they fall at a certain time of year. For example - we are using 6 of the lessons after the Old Testament unit so that we can teach about the birth of Christ right around Christmas time! These lessons can also be scattered throughout the lessons for a simple change of pace.