- Animals...set out some of the animals involved with the plagues: plastic animals, and finger puppets all work here.
- Felt board... set out all the pieces involved in the Bible stories of Moses and allow the children to use the pieces to retell the story in their own words and explore what might happen next.
2) Songs: Start the Story Hour with the learning our names song. Go around the circle or table and introduce each child.
Here is a simple song to reinforce the story today: sung to the tune of "This Old Man"
- First God sent, Plague number one,Turned the Nile into blood.All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty lowThey told Pharaoh "Let them Go!"
- Then God sent, Plague number two, Jumping frogs all over you.All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty lowThey told Pharaoh "Let them Go!
- Then God sent, Plague number three, Swarms of gnats from head to knee.All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty lowThey told Pharaoh "Let them Go!"
- Then God sent, Plague number four, Filthy flies need we say more?All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty lowThey told Pharaoh "Let them Go!"
- Then God sent, Plague number five, All the livestock up and died.All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty lowThey told Pharaoh "Let them Go!"
- Then God sent,Plague number six,Boils and sores to make you sickAll the people in Egypt were feeling pretty low.They told Pharaoh "Let them Go!"
- Then God sent, Plague number seven, Hail and lighting down from heaven.All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty lowThey told Pharaoh "Let them Go!"
- Then God sent, Plague number eight, Locust came and they sure ate.All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty lowThey told Pharaoh "Let them Go!"
- Then God sent, Plague number nine, Total darkness all the time.All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty lowThey told Pharaoh "Let them Go!"
- Then God sent, Plague number ten, Pharaoh's son died so he gave in.All the people in Egypt were feeling pretty lowFinally Pharaoh let them go
3) Prayer... Praise God for his power over all creation and every nation!
4) Theme: Remind the children of the theme of the unit: God works among his covenant people to prepare the world for the Savior. Hebrews 12:1&2 “Therefore, since we are surrounded
by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us… look to Jesus.” Tell them that they are going to hear a Bible Story again today that shows how God works through Moses. God shows that he is more powerful than any earthly king, and more wise than any earthly wise man.
5) Bible Story: Today’s Story is about Moses and the 10 plagues. Read pages 86-95 from the Read and Learn Bible (Scholastic).
You can use the Pharaoh, Moses, Aaron and plagues (frog and flies) pieces to help tell the story today.
6) Text: Today’s Text is: These things will happen "so that you may know there is no one like the Lord, our God." Exodus 8:10b
7) Craft:
- The Ten Plagues (poster)… Before the lesson, take a large sheet of paper for each child and draw lines to divide into 10 even spaces. Write the names of each plague with their numbers in the spaces. Allow the children to draw/color the water into blood, hailstones and darkness. Provide small pictures for the other plagues and assist the children to glue them in the right space and color them. I used the same pictures as for the mini-book. My daughter liked having the book much better and it would be much easier to carry home from church. :-) This would make a good group craft to color together and display on the bulletin board, and you would have time to make a frog to take home! Paint the frogs, do the group poster, and then complete the frogs.
Reminder: 1) water into blood 2) frogs 3) gnats 4) flies 5) death of all the Egyptians animals 6) sores 7) hailstones 8) locusts 9) darkness 10) death of Egyptian first born.
- The Ten Plagues (mini-book)... use the link below to find pictures for all 10 plagues. I copied and pasted all of the pictures into a document and reduced them all so that I had 2 pictures on every page, then added the titles underneath. Email me and I can send you the document to save you some work! Cut before the lesson (I used a paper cutter to make quick work of it, cutting each page 5"x7"). During the lesson, have the children find the correct pictures and put them in order. Give them a blank sheet of paper to fold in half for the cover (again, I just cut 5X7 rectangles from construction paper). Staple the pages together and have each child write a big number "10" on the front, then glue/write the text on the front cover.. Some children may want to color the pictures right away and some will enjoy reading it to you, instead.You can do this and one frog craft together.
There are pictures of all 10 plagues here: http://coloringbookfun.com/moses/index.htm
- The plague of frogs (Paper Plate). There are several ways to make really cute frogs and kids like frogs. They may not understand why this is a plague. After you have made the frogs, have the kids use them to imagine frogs in their beds, in their food, everywhere!
Frog (Paper Plate) Paint a small paper plate green. (Note: I found green paper plates at the local Dollar$ Store) Cut out arms and legs from green paper, and a tongue from red. paper. Cut out eyes from white paper and draw black circles in the center. Have the children glue on the eyes and staple the arms and legs and tongue in place. The frogs are cute just like this, but our kids wanted spots so we glued foam shapes all over them, too. If you have time, you may want to have the kids paint their plates green early on in the session and complete the craft later on.
( I cut all the legs with the same pattern, and then tucked the front legs under the plate a bit further to make them a little shorter. This cut down my "prep" time!)
- The Plague of Frogs (Rocks) Collect enough small to medium sized rocks for all the children and paint them green before class. Cut out arms, legs and tongue from construction paper. Attach to green rock with hot glue gun if necessary. Add googly eyes. Set on paper plate with child’s name and text. Again, painting could be done by children if you divide the craft into two work sections.
Experiment with the glue you have available first to see how well the arms, legs and eyes attach as there is nothing so disappointing as a limb-less frog. :-( White glue worked, but my daughter wanted to play with the frog right away. We tried it again with a glue gun and found the results much more satisfying. On the down side, you need to do the gluing yourself.
- Frog (Paper Bag Puppet) Cut out smaller arms and longer legs from green construction paper. Cut out eye shapes and bend at the bottom to make a "tab" for gluing. Cut out a long strip of red/pink for the tongue and slightly curl the end. Glue all the pieces to the paper bag and decorate the frog with green crayons/markers or poster paints. My son used the green paint dabber to add spots instead and was very happy with how "froggy" this looked. Just FYI... most 5 year olds will be able to assemble this with little assistance if you have a sample available, but 3&4 year olds will need some help. Make sure that you have all the pieces cut out (and bagged in sets) and have an extra pair of hands around for this craft.
8) Prayer.. say the Lord's prayer together with the children.
9) Going Home: .Sing the closing together. Then, check to see if all the children have collected their crafts and coloring sheets before they go home. Say goodbye and tell them that you enjoyed learning about God together and were happy to have them today! You were, weren’t you?
10) Optional Coloring Page
Here is one option showing Moses and some of the 10 plagues:
Genial brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you on your information.
Hi there,
I've been searching high and low for a craft on teaching the 10 plagues. Could you please so kindly send me the document you prepared for the mini booklet?
My email is edwinpriscilla@yahoo.com
I'm from Damansara Utama Methodist Church, Malaysia. Thank you so much! God bless you!
Great site and ideas!!!
Could you please send me the document you prepared for the mini booklet? I would love to use it with my Sunday school class. Thanks!
Great site and ideas!!!
Could you please send me the document you prepared for the mini booklet? I would love to use it with my Sunday school class. Thanks!
Thank you so much. I have been looking for a site that is geared to the little ones-pre K and this is exactly what I wanted. God Bless you for all your work and effort.
hi, i'm a sunday school teacher in outer mongolia and i really appreciate sites like yours that offer FREE ideas, especially for crafts. and i love the ten plagues song - thanks for sharing that link! you have lots of great ideas that really helped with my lesson plan. thank you.
Could you send me the mini book pictures? Thank you in advance! tinymarler@gmail.com
I was wondering if you could please send me the mini book doc.? Thank you!
I was wondering if you still had the document for the mini-book available? I would love to put to good use all the hard work you did to put the book together :) Thanks!!
I am a teacher of 3-5yr olds in Trinidad & Tobago. Thank you for these ideas designed for my age group. We will have fun learning more about our great God who saves! W
Hi. I am a Sunday School teacher in NH and am teaching about Moses and how Gos used him. Thank you for these resources :)
Could you please send me the document you prepared for the mini booklet? I would love to use it with my Sunday school class. Thanks! My email address is suikyieng@yahoo.com.
i would love to use the mini book document that you have posted. It is great!!
Thank you for this information. Could you please email me the pages for the plague booklet? Thank you julneg@hotmail.com
Thank you for the great ideas! I am a sunday school teacher in Tn! Could you please send me the document you prepared for the booklet?
Email is bjclark28@yahoo.com
Thank you again!
I`ve found your helping site. I will be teaching the same story this week. Would you mind if you can share with me this 10 plagues booklet. Thank you so very much.
This is email add: mj_lindnergoetze@yahoo.de.
God bless..
I can't wait to sing the plague song tomorrow in our "Scripture tots" class. Thank you SO much!
Could you send me the documents you prepared for the 10 plagues mini book? I am excited to use this is our homeschool lesson this week. It will be a great compliment to our My Fathers World lesson:)
Hi could you send me the doc. you prepared for the mini booklet? It would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, My email is sandrawiebe7@hotmail.com
I am a preschool sunday school teacher. I am would love to share the mini book with my students. Could you please email it to me? jenwyat04@hotmail.com
Thank you!
I teach Sunday school a small group of kids ranging from Grades 1 to 7 in one class. I like your lessons. I can adjust them for the older kids. I would love to have a copy of the mini book. My email address is: haywire311@hotmaildotcom
I am a Sunday school teacher. I am would love to share the mini book with my students. Could you please email it to me? ediec25@gmail.com
Could you please send me the document with the mini book color pages? I'm a children's ministry coordinator in Georgia! Thanks!
I would love to email you for the document but I can't find your email. Hopefully you will get this? I would love the document for the book - I would like to use it for our VBS this year. nkmeldrim (at) hotmail (dot) com THANK YOU!
Could you please e-mail me the document for the 10 plagues booklet. I would love to use it in my MOPS lesson for the preschoolers.
Thanks so much
hi there,
I am a Sunday School teacher in one of the churches here in the Philippines and I have been searching for a craft on teaching the 10 plagues. Thank you for your ideas.
May God bless you always.
Thank you for sharing the great ideas! I would love a copy of the document too: carriederr at msn.com Thanks so much!
Thank you for sharing the great ideas! I would love a copy of the document too: carriederr at msn.com Thanks so much!
I work at a Christian school on Guam. Would you please send me the document for the mini booklet that you put all the pictures on? Super Idea. My class will love it. THank you for sharing!!!
Wonderful ideas! I was in need of a craft idea and love the mini booklet on the 10 plagues. Can you send me the document: walbergs@verizon.net
Thanks so much!
Hi! Could I please have the template for the mini booklet?? Thanks so much!
Great ideas!
Could you please send me the document you prepared for the mini booklet? I would love to use it with my Sunday school class who are aged 5 to 8.Thanks!
I would love the mini book as well!
Sunday School teacher, MN
Thank you so much for these wonderful ideas. Would you kindly email me the document of the 10 plagues for the mini book?
Thank you!
Shannon P.
North India
I would love the mini book as well! beckypetersen@hotmail.com Thanks! Becky Sunday School teacher, MN
I enjoyed your site. Would you please send the document you prepared for the mini book?
Thank you so much,
Hi! I LOVED these crafts and songs! I am from the Philadelphia Church of Christ! I am a new teacher and so excited! Could u send me.the document for the booklet? Thank u! My email is kfd12@msstate.edu !
Could u send me the booklet like you made? thanks so much. great lesson. starkidansley@hotmail.com
great lesson my student enjoyed the making of the craft. Thanks for posting it.
Would you be so kind as to email me the mini booklet for the 10 Plagues? That would be great for this Sunday's lessons. My email is shannon@libertyheights.org (based in Cincinnati, OH)
please coud you email me the booklet. thanks so much for the time you, and other free sites, put in it really does make a difference when i plan activities for my toddlers. songs to tunes they already know usually go down really well, in fact every week we finish with a special thank you song to the tune of twinkle twinkle little star so i'm looking forward to giving this one a go.
i run a toddler group and a messy church
thanks again
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Hello There,
Thanks so much for all the wonderful ideas from Bible Story Hour. We enjoy your ideas for our family morning devotions. I would so much like to use your booklet of the 10 plagues. I teach my son and daughter's sunday school in Indonesia and would love to use them with my class. My email address is hopeful harmony@gmail.com Thanks and Blessings to You.
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Hi, Could I get the document for the 10 plagues mini booklet? My 2 to 4-year-old class is learning about this on Sunday, and I think they would really enjoy making and colouring the book. Thanks!
Thanks so much for the great ideas, they will help with this weeks Sunday School lesson.
I am creating the curriculum for one of our groups at our church.they range in age from 3-6 and I think you booklet would be great. Would you send me the document for the 10 plagues mini-booklet?
Email: blballance88@gmail.com
Thank you,
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